This is a side dish that is a constant staple at our house. I can often prep this in under 5 minutes and cook it at the same time as my main dish. I also tend to make a lot of these as they heat up really well and we can eat these for several days. The main trick to this dish is to just not forget about it. If you let them sit in your cast iron too long without stirring, you’ll get some charred sides. Getting the crispy sides are awesome and what the cast iron does really good, but the char doesn’t taste that great. For this reason I turn these every 4 minutes or so and use a slightly below medium heat. These take me ~30 minutes but this is really one that you can just watch and easily just test with a fork until they are nice and soft.

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Mediterranean Potatoes
Super easy potatoes cooked on stove.
Cut the mini potatoes in half. If using larger potatoes, cut them into smaller chunks, about half the size of a golf ball.
Preheat the cast iron over heat level 3 for at least 5 minutes
Saute the garlic for a minute or two. Be careful not to burn.
Add the potatoes and all spices
Set a timer and just stir them every 4 minutes or so to keep them from burning. Repeat until done, about 35 minutes.